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WTM Algiers - We Write “We Write” is a WTM Algiers project consisting of writing diverse articles that can either be tech or non-tech related. The main purpose is to give members the chance to share any type of knowledge to encourage the culture of “Sharing is caring” ! 22
ThinkTech We don’t go online, we live online 22
MOTAT Stories from MOTAT 22
The Wholehearted Mom For moms who want to grow in their faith, parent well, and tend their time wisely 22
Getsalt Curious ruminations on human-centered design, by Amplifi Design and friends 22
ScaleDynamics Discover a new world to develop faster than never before, automate away mundane tasks and focus on building your innovations. 22
Pathstream Pathstream partners with leading technology companies to build branded digital skills career programs delivered through college and university partnerships. Our programs are for anyone who wants to learn the digital skills needed to succeed in the modern economy. 22
UNDERSTATE UNDERSTATE is a magazine of independent thinkers and alternative creators. 22
Picture Palace Loren Kantor is a passionate writer and woodcut artist with a love for movies, music and old Los Angeles. 22
RStudio Connect Digest RStudio Connect is a publishing platform for the work your teams create in R and Python. Share Shiny applications, R Markdown reports, Plumber APIs, dashboards, Jupyter Notebooks, interactive Python content, and more in one convenient place. 22
Noon Teaching students in 8 million students in 8 countries currently, we’re scaling to teach 50 millions students by 2023 globally. 22
StealthR00t This is a place where I will post hacking writeups or anything related to cybersecurity. Starting with HackTheBox. 22
Patterns of Development News, data, stories, and work from experts in architecture, urban planning, and real estate development. 22
Why and How A publication about facts and knowledge. Find answers to the questions you always pondered upon. 22
A View from the Inside An exploration on the Business of Design. Musing on the Why’s of things eliciting worthwhile and intelligent discourse. A journey towards self discovery. Yeah, stop with the BS. This is a no fluff, just straight talk about my journey as a design entrepreneur. 22