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Name Followers Bodo offers a novel just-in-time, inferential compiler with supercomputing-style performance and the simplicity of native Python. 22
Rust Weekly A weekly newsletter about the Rust programming language. 22
Growth 85 Plain language guides for the Customer Success community 22
Voterly Voterly is the first comprehensive political database, designed to help modern day Americans make quick and informed voting decisions. 22
airight aiRight is the world’s first complete system for AI x NFT x DeFi. Users can generate AI NFTs, protect origin with copyright issuance, trade and tokenize unique artworks, taking advantage of our complete royalty mechanism for contributors on-chain. 22
Elma Elma nace con el objetivo de situar a las personas en el centro del sistema sanitario para que recuperen el control de su salud. Un seguro de salud digital, personal y fácil, para aquellos que buscan una atención personalizada e inmediata. Sin papeleos, ni trámites, ni rollos. 22
Deja vu Literary essays and poems on time, memory, music, love, and longing 22
Anime Thoughts Dedicated to sharing thoughts and realizations from anime stories. 22
Rustbelt Innovators Stories, ideas, and events from communities along the riverways and around the Great Lakes 22
Lived Wisdom Stories of personal learning to promote empathy and understanding. 22
ASHTech American Specialty Health Technology team’s exploration of technology solutions. 22
Receptor.AI Receptor.AI is the biotechnology startup with R&D located in Ukraine, which utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide complete pipeline of accelerated rational drug design. 22
Veezoo Veezoo is a chat-based data analytics solution that empowers anyone to find actionable insights from data by literally just asking their questions in plain English! Ask questions and get answers in seconds in the form of meaningful data visualizations. 22
Project Slim Waistline Intertwining fitness, nutrition, and a powerful mindset to help you create a healthier lifestyle 22
Music and Musings Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything — Plato 22