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Joel Oughton This is the official publication of Joel Oughton, the founder of | Follow this publication for the latest articles about Photography, Tech, Science and Entrepreneurship. ENQUIRIES: 21
NeoCoast We best transform your ideas and needs into efficient and high-quality software products 21
YTÜ SkyLab AIR (AI Research Lab) SkyLab AIR is an artificial intelligence research lab under the SkyLab Student Club in Yildiz Technical University. Our aim is to explain the concepts of AI to people who are interested in this field. 21
EMBSdiaries IEEE EMBS takes a step closer to make science fiction a little less fiction by working on diverse R&D projects in the biomedical field. Our vibrant society provides a platform for young research enthusiasts to share their ideas and knowledge in all technical realms. 21
Wyzetalk Tech Hear what our development team has been up to in the tech space. 21
Bucknell AI & CogSci Research, Teaching, and any other cool things related to AI and Cognitive Science @ Bucknell 21
TY, BUT DISAGREE critique and analysis surrounding the internet’s most important artists. 21
StepUp Development Read from our mobile development experiences. 21
Pragmatic Computer Science In this blog, I want to show that: a) there are real production problems that can be solved with computer science; b) computer science is not about “reverse a linked list” from a typical coding interview. 21
Velocity Velocity is speed with direction. And that makes all the difference. Musings by Saket Khanna: Sr Tech Program Manager at Amazon, MBA Oxford University and Founder, Mealtango (Acquired 2019). 21
ALL-ART: Art for All and All for Art Art inspires, entertains, challenges, and delights. Reflections on the subject of art, artists, and art-lovers. 21
The Bold ReThink We must boldly rethink how government can work for America in the 21st century. Big, bold changes are necessary and possible. We are pleased to present a variety of views about how We the People can address the crises we face and envision ways to make our world a better place. 21
OffNote Labs OffNote Labs is a home for independent builders and researchers. Seasoned researchers helping budding researchers learn and grow. 21
the table_tech the table is a community of women in enterprise and deep technology, including founders, operators, academics, and investors. Founded by Brittany Walker and Justine Humenansky. 21
Modern Programmer A publication dedicated to those working in tech. 21