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The philosophy cafe Read philosophers, take new thoughts and ideas with you, take a sip of new thoughts daily from our philosophers. A publication where you can hear voice of intellectual minds. 20
delvify Transform your business with our AI powered solutions. We help global brands turn consideration into conversion with intelligent insight-driven Programmatic AI with visual AI solutions for eCommerce. 20
Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body Get motivated to overcome life’s challenges! 20
The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences — a consortium of 10 universities promoting research in and application of the mathematical sciences of the highest international calibre. 20
TrojAI TrojAI protects computer vision from adversarial poison data and model evasion attacks. 20
Tech is a fast growing tech company based out of San Francisco. Established 2014, IPOed in 2020, and going strong. This publication includes essays from our distributed tech team on many topics. 20
Typeable Functional programming and digital transformation consultants 20
Saoirse Ronan Deserves an Oscar Different thoughts I have about things like movies and music, sports and culture, television and storytelling. I also wrote a book entitled Paradigms as a Second Language. You can contact me at! 20
Root Data Science An exploration of the data science innovations, technical and non-technical, that fuel Root’s mission to unbreak the insurance industry 20
Un-niched My landing page for pieces that conveniently forgot the rules 20
Medpage Med-Page is a publication that contains medium stories about poetry, health, personal growth, personality development, business, and lifestyle. 20
Neurisium Neurisium on Practical Machine Learning and Data Science 20
Critical Investing Critical Investing is a publication focused on identifying high growth opportunities and generational companies through critical analyses of data and the reasoning of exceptional investors, founders, and CEO’s. 20
Coding becomes easy You will learn the best software engineering practices like design patterns that change the way of coding, Top data structures and algorithm questions for coding interviews, Multithreading concepts for experienced developers for seamless multithreaded application building. 20
The Knowledge Of Freedom The search for all the knowledge you need to live a happy life. Posts about mental health, physical health, how to be positive, relationships, how to get in shape, everything 20