All Publications
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Whizzk Publication Whizzk invites everyone to write about sustainability. We make sustainability happen. We make sustainability workable. We implement sustainability in businesses. We transfer scientific research into clear actions. 17
Maiden Voyage Stories about early 20th century ocean liners. 17
Write Speak Play Writing the Stories to Speak the Truth and deciding What We Play. Fiction and Non-fiction. 17
The Decision School Perspectives on decision-making: How data, behavior, economics and outcomes influence decision quality 17
The Critter Feed Celebrating all things animal and some things Alex. 17
DSC KIET Developer Student Clubs KIET powered by Google Developers is an initiative to concentrate the efforts of many developers in and around campus to learn, share and get productive using the various cutting-edge technologies. 17
Open Crypto Trading Initiative An ongoing effort to embrace and promote open solutions for the crypto financial services industry 17
Transgender experiences A collection of articles which attempt to document and examine the new experiences of Transgender individuals as they find their own path through life. 17
MyanLearn: Blog Tech, team, data, stories in our MyanLearn journey. 17
AIDS Healthcare Foundation The Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is a global nonprofit organization providing cutting-edge medicine and advocacy to over 1,000,000 people in 43 countries. We are currently the largest provider of HIV/AIDS medical care in the world. 17
LeadUp Helping creators support teams to create, think, and collaborate 17
Future Proof Cities Future Proof Cities by Wavin. We share stories about how cities become resilient and sustainable in the light of climate change and urbanisation. On this publication we share visions and actions, we also invite authors to participate. 17
RecoHut We are AI villagers lives in a small hut. We work on recommender engines in our daytime and dream about them in the night. 17
High-Value Women We are the publication of High-Value Women where we share how to be a valuable woman. The purpose of this publication is to learn from each other on how to be a high-value woman. We are not perfect but we can learn from each other’s experiences on how to be a high-value woman. 17
Building Panorama Education Stories and musings from Panorama’s design/engineering/research teams 17