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Enjoy Life And Travel Lifestyle and travel inspiration 14
Google DSC PoliMi Journal Developer Student Clubs are university-based community groups for students interested in Google developer technologies. We help students bridge the gap between theory and practice. This journal is managed by the GDSC Core Team at PoliMi, and its contents are written by students. 14
Genius Guild Genius Guild’s magazine, featuring a collection of paradigm-shifting thought leadership on innovation, entrepreneurship, and access to capital from a league of extraordinary thinkers. 14
DeepSource DeepSource is an automated code review tool that helps developers find and automatically fix bugs in their code. 14
sozovision Hacking consciousness through cultural strategies + convening solutions. 14
Asociación de Investigacion en Inteligencia Artificial Para la Leucemia Peter Moss Researching into AI & modern technologies, and how they can be used in the fight against Leukemia. 14
Full Stack Service Design Full Stack Service Design is a model to help people break services down into the parts that make them and understand how all of these parts impact the user experience 14
Concepts Against Reality Philosophical and practical concepts by Adolfo Ramírez Corona 14
Start-up Society A weekly blog promoting nationwide entrepreneurship. 14
Modern Woman Philosophy, science, health, politics… women have many interests, but it often feels like there are no female voices on these topics. This pub exists to change that. 14
Probably Programming I’m explaining what I know to myself. 14
In Search of Search (& its Engines) Research notes & miscellany from a research group focused on the intersection between media & information literacies and search, search engines, and search-adjacent recommender systems. Based at Lund University’s Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies. 14
The shiftN Papers Reflections and testimonials on first-hand shiftN experience. 14
Unculture Stories and conversations on culture 14
Enterprise UX Shreds Not every reflection is worth a dedicated article. Sometimes, it’s just a shred of information, a small token of insight. A bunch of shreds forms curated and fun reading list from the world of enterprise app design. 14