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Whole Communities–Whole Health Changing the way science helps society thrive is our grand challenge. 12
kode-art Software developers writing journey 12
Nectar Just like a bee collects nectar, these notes on product management and leadership are the nectar I’ve collected and curated for many years. 12
Zone of Freedom Posts about how to live a life of freedom. Take action now to have a brighter tomorrow. 12
SN Mentoring The SN Mentoring publication is a place for curated career-decision-making related content. Here the various SN Mentoring panelists share their experiences and expert advice to students and aspirants’ questions. Here we also showcase some of our mentees’ research & creative work. 12
Cinnamon Magic Cinnamon is a very subtle spice and creates magic in foods and drinks. There are lots of cinnamon moments in life around us — this is an effort to capture such moments in pictures and words. 12
How to Draw This publication will show ways in which anything can be drawn by anyone who wants to know how to do it. 12
GlassBox A commonwealth of new and upcoming ideas for students, authors, coders, and industry experts that focuses on powerful projects with simple goals. 12
netsuggest An Entertainment Publication 12
Scorpio Moon All things astrology. Aiming to demystify astrological concepts and helping to apply them in everyday life. 12
Geospatial Intelligence Geospatial Intelligence was, is and will be one of the most important intelligence disciplines. By analyzing geospatial information an analyst is empowered to gain insights into various aspects of human activities. 12
Yudemon Elevating Human Happiness, Performance, and Wellbeing through Creative Technology — 12
GDSC UMIT Google Developer Students Club - Usha Mittal Instittue of Technology, believe in building a strong community where people can learn and grow together. Our goal is to combine new ideas with technical skills to create something innovative. 12
EaseAbility Stories that will help you live with more ease—emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. “Ease” means freedom from pain or discomfort. That means healing our emotional patterns, early traumas, and false beliefs so we can embrace our true self and live with ease. 12
Confessions of an Identity Jedi A collection of stories, opinions, and observations about identity and cyversecurity 12