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Bookish PhDLife The experiences of a PhD student and self-proclaimed bookworm. Featuring topics related to books, PhDlife and Self-Improvement 11
sprang Spring, Angular and Architecture 11
Shift Change Shift Change offers glimpses into the lives of a diverse group of people before, during, and after the virus, reflecting the texture of the everyday; the ordinary disruptions of lives, dreams, and routines, and the ways we deal with this and help others. 11
MagicLab Product MagicLab invented how people meet in the modern, mobile age. Our brands (Bumble, Badoo, Chappy and Lumen) have connected the lives of over 500 million people across dating, social, and business. 11
Science vs. Hollywood Checking the Facts, Sharing the Truth 11
Ealden Escañan Thoughts on Life, Agility, and Software Development 11
ashutec We offer software and product development services. We architect, design and develop Web, Mobile, and Desktop applications. We deliver quality, reliable and cost-effective solutions using fixed cost, time and material models and open to other models as per needs of client. 11
Beyond Work Sharing founders and innovators’ productivity hacks and work from home spaces during the Coronavirus pandemic 11
A Series of Unfortunate Ramblings @apocalliepse has a lot to say about media and not much to say about artichokes. Which is why you won’t find anything about them here. 11
Ear Busters A journey into the savage side of sound 11
O / M Stories from O/M Studio 11
Queer Kentucky An LGBTQ+ non-profit whose mission is to bolster and embrace Queer Kentucky culture through storytelling, education, and action. 11
Pretiosum Ventures Pretiosum Ventures invests in world-class companies operating in the fields of AI, Fintech and future of Work/Life. Pretiosum offers tailored support to portfolio companies, with a focus on business development and providing access to a worldwide network of industry experts. 11
Zinklar Tech At Zinklar we eat, sleep and breathe Market Research. Our tech team wants to share their knowledge with you so read on! 11
New Body writings on faith, queerness, and disability by Presley Thomas 11