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People Rocket People Rocket collaborates with organizations to re-envision what’s possible when you bring distributed intelligence and multidisciplinary experts to the table. 9
Forget-Me-Not Experiences with Alzheimer’s Disease 9
Ethics Models Interviews In this “10 Question” interview series, ethicists working within tech companies reflect on their journey, talk about their contributions, discuss their inspirations, and share advice for those wanting to get involved. 9 A global UI/UX design, product strategy consultancy and innovation company. 9
Equestrian Explorers Tales of rare horse breeds,travel and equestrian culture from the old continent. Check out my sustainable storytelling project at 9
matthew bottomley a blog created by Matthew Bottomley to capture his work and thoughts on life. thoughts captured in work of fiction, within poems and haiku to describe the natural wonders of the world and the nature of the divine and the nature of man. 9
Life at Paperless Post Product, tech, operations, and life at Paperless Post. 9
Life is Lit. Insight on our lives in the context of our literature: re-examining the classics in light of contemporary culture. 9
Sciention Stories worth your time 9
Thinking UP ! The Media of creativity and business innovations. Update your thinking and flex your mind : 9
nib Travel Tech tech @ nib Travel 9
Two Tale Tellers Articles on how to use words and images to tell stories. También en Español. 9
Access Bridge Access Bridge shares practical ways to design for accessibility impact while also amplifying the real-life experiences of the disabled community. 9
Ogilvy XD Work, think pieces and ideation from the XD team at Ogilvy Sydney. 9
#FullSpeedAhead Working to elect Democrats up and down the ballot in Arizona in 2020 9