All Publications
Name Followers
Wind of Change Share life hacks and experiences 7
theMarineDataScientist Data Science, Marine Ecology, Climate Change Analyses, R and Python Development. 7
Empathy Inc. — Occasional Insights Thought leadership about business, marketing, and media 7
The Public Mission A community of people who keep up with their passions. By making a living out of it. 7
Mona Labs Mona is a SaaS platform that enables AI teams to monitor data and model performance in production, proactively alerting users on biases, concept drift, and data integrity issues. With Mona, teams sustain and improve AI systems, and sleep better at night. 7
CUTEC Fostering technopreneurship in Cambridge since 2003. 7
Our.News Our.News makes it easy for anyone to fact check, rate, and review content online, such as news articles, blog posts, Tweets, and Facebook posts. 7
Keio SFC Interaction Design class — 2020 Spring Essay on The current status/future of AI and Creativity / Our well-being and AI / Danger of AI (surveillance, data biases, etc) 7
csictf 7
ebiblo Here we publish articles on philosophy, science, and literature. 7
Coffee with the UI girl This is a collection of articles to help understand User Experience Research, Design Principles and Interface Implementation methodologies in a Human Centered way. 7
I Ally I Ally is a holistic support web and mobile app for family caregivers. Usually an invisible and unpaid workforce, I Ally seeks to bring awareness to family caregiver stories. Share your story with #WeGiveCare! 7
Pixel AI I bridge the gap between developers and dreamers. I am Pixel AI. 7
Boneyard 18+ Explicit Erotic literature. Deviant Freaky Kinky Weird. 7
Air Ventures Air Ventures is a venture capital fund. Our mission is to help innovations fly. 7