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Coding for Sapiens Coding for Sapiens is a human discussion group focused on coding core concepts, beyond any language, but English-speaking. We talk about design patterns, tricky algorithms, development approaches, coding styles, interfaces, user experience or anything that we can commit to git. 5
Myatu’s Myatu’s Tech Blog, from the site that has been wasting bits and bytes daily, since 2008. 5
Mind Hero Your Mindful Companion 5
Geistiges Heilen Bewusstsein der neuen Zeit 5
Foggy Memories, Half Truths, and Falsehoods The older I get, the foggier memories from my life become. I’m no longer sure how accurate my history, as I know it, is. These are those stories. I think. 5
charlieplusmary Amsterdam based platform inspiring fashion lovers worldwide to make Fair and Sustainable Fashion choices 5
A Better Balance A Better Balance is a non-profit legal team fighting to give American workers the time & flexibility they need to care for their families. 5
Not Your Grandma’s Secretary Helping executive assistants boost productivity, improve communication, and be resourceful AF. 5
The Good, The Brad, and the Ugly Bradley writes stuff. 5
Unless a Grain of Wheat Falls a collection of writings around the death of my father, around the changing of faith, of losing and finding 5
Poverty Lessons The Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty encourages the study of poverty as a complex social problem, by expanding and improving experiential learning opportunities for college students. These are their reflections. 5
Tabletop Alley Articles and writings to aid and supplement Tabletop Gaming and Roleplaying 5
Heart and Humanity One heart, many stories. Bringing diversity to life. 5
kickandbackpack Kickandbackpack showcases a completely different perspective of sports, travel & leisure. We thrust Africa 🌍 into the limelight & preach the make-believe of a die-hard fan. 5
eatups A movement for mindful eating. Enjoy food while helping each other make better food choices, for ourselves and for our planet. 5