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Obscure Obits I wish I had known about these interesting people before they had died. Let’s share in the life of those lesser-known heroes I randomly discover have recently passed away. 5
webtutsplus Find the best tutorials and courses for the web, mobile. Learn in Java, Python, Sprintboot , Android, Node.Js, SQL, AWS, Docker & more. 5
Soulweb Academy Dev/Coding Academy, with a focus on Data Science, GIS, Web and Mobile development. 5
Scio Asset Management Inc. ScioAM is enhancing the operational leadership experience directing the activities of its people and practices for more value from their organization’s assets 5
The Writer Stuff Los Angeles Editors & Writers Group 5
Vidaloop We build technology solutions that reduce voting barriers and strengthen American democracy. 5
Duende Classics What is it that elevates a talented performer to an extraordinary one? IT is something that can’t be defined or learned or bought. Here are my thoughts about those who touch the sky. 5
Policy Northwest Explaining and Commenting on the Pacific Northwest’s Politics and Public Policy 5
Amazon EKS & DevSecOps Amazon EKS & DevSecOps Strategies 5
MateeDevs Prague software company 5
Machine Learning Insights See for ongoing Machine Learning competitions across Kaggle, Zindi, AIcrowd, DrivenData, and other platforms. Sign up to the mailing list at 5
AdaptivOps Providing a space for operations individuals to geek out on all things Ops with like minded individuals through the sharing of knowledge, best practices, resources, and tools — all relating to operations. 5
The School of Erotic Mysteries Seani Love’s School of Erotic Mysteries. Sharing the healing magic of conscious sexuality through Tantra, sex magic, consicous kink and BDSM. 5
zigbang 사람들이 공간을 경험하는 방식을 바꾸고자 합니다. 5
plusteam Stories about development, technology and our experience creating wonderful apps. 5