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Advancing Analytics Advancing Analytics is an Advanced Analytics consultancy which specialises in the Azure Data Platform, Data Science and Data Engineering. 5
EvalTech Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning meets Tech and Behavioural Science 5
Breakpoint Technology Breakpoint Technology est une société de conseil IT spécialisée dans l’accompagnement technique et le développement produit. 5
Toucan Toucan will teach you Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Korean and Japanese without ever opening a textbook. 5
Level Up Level Up Aims to help individuals grow by providing advice from professional problem solvers. 5
Good Praxis Articles and stories from Good Praxis, an award-winning digital innovation co-operative based in London. 5
javascript-notes Javascript Basics, Deep, Async, MetaProgramming, FrontendDev, React, Software 5
Brooklyn Wilds Exploring the hidden (and not-so-hidden) wilderness in New York and other urban centers. Written by Stewart Sinclair 5
Homeless Mind Poetry, essays and thoughts from a homeless mind 5
By Unswede A selection of stories published by myself! 5
octopol-engineering Interesting challanges and investigations written by Octopol engineers 5
Waking up Kiwi Living the immigrant’s life in NZ 5
Towards 3Z The Future is Already Here, it’s just Not Evenly Distributed — W. Gibson quote inspired me to start this blog and help people access the future NOW regarding digital transformation of the built environment 5
Kitchen Hacks for Novice Cooks Cooking your own food in your home kitchen is much easier than you think. Feeding your family on fast food can cost much more than you would spend on fresh, healthy ingredients cooked at home. My motto: No fear! Learn by doing and have fun with it. 5
Social Anxiety Antidote The Social Anxiety Antidote is a publication to help people deal with social anxiety. Follow to join our community. 5