Bits and Pieces

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Ran Mizrahi

Founder of; Author of Bit; Software Engineer.

Itay Mendel

Jack of all trades. PM @ CoCycles

Eden Ella

Web developer and technical writer.

Jonathan Saring

I write code and words · Component-driven Software · Micro Frontends · Design Systems · Pizza 🍕 Building open source @

Ashan Fernando

Solutions Architect and a Content Specialist. For more details find me in Linkedin

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AWS Certified | AWS Community Builder — Serverless | LinkedIn:

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Hope AI: A Code Assistant for Composable Software

An AI assistant that understands your codebase, generates, builds, tests, and releases reusable components with previews and documentation.

Increasing Agility in Microfrontend Design: A Developer’s Guide

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Why Components Are Essential for AI-Driven Software Development

Building Composable Software for Better AI-Developer Collaboration

How to Handle Dependencies in Microfrontends

Understanding the dynamics behind dependency handling in Microfrontends

Mastering Micro Frontends: 9 Patterns Every Developer Should Know

This article explores nine prominent micro frontend integration patterns, highlighting their benefits, limitations, and practical…

How to Migrate Your Existing Application to Micro Frontend Architecture

Transform Your Monolith: A Step-by-Step Guide to Adopting Micro-Frontend Architecture

Extending DORA Metrics for Composable Software

Discover how extending DORA metrics for composable software architectures enhances DevOps in practice.

Building a Host Application for Your Micro Frontends

Creating a shell application that meets all non-functional requirements

5 Paradigm Shifts Driving Modern Digital Transformation

Discover how revolutionary technological changes, from AI advancements to modular software architectures, are reshaping the digital…

React Microfrontend Authentication: Step by Step Guide

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