European Data Journalism Network
Data-driven news on European issues, by a consortium of media from all over Europe

OBC Transeuropa
Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso is a think tank focused on South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus, based in Italy

Gian-Paolo Accardo
Editor & co-founder @voxeurop | Editorial coordinator & co-founder @EDJNet | Vice-president AJE-France| ex @courrierinter | Contributor @internazionale.

Formerly Presseurop. A nonprofit European multilingual news and debate outlet. The talk of the continent, you might say.

Sergio Cebrián
Managing editor, VoxEurop.

Lorenzo Ferrari
Historian and journalist — mostly on Europe, rights, places. Editorial coordinator @EdjNet , also @BalcaniCaucaso @ilpost @Zanichelli_ed

European Data Journalism Network
Europe explained through data by a transnational consortium of media #EDJNet #ddj
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