Lever Engineering
We ask before we build so our products really work for our users. This is our blog about knowing why.
Leighton Wallace
Leighton at Lever

Sourcing, applicant tracking & more: Lever’s modern web app supports the way you hire.
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Analytics and Arepas
At Lever we believe in two things: data-driven recruiting and good food

Tech Debt and New Hires
Back in 2018, I gave two talks on the topic of tech debt and new hires, this is a written version of the talks.

DerbyJS? Never Heard Of it.
Should a company’s tech stack influence your job hunt?

Strengthening Your Engineering Team With Pair Programming
It’s easy to see why people would assume that programming is an individual activity–you can usually find each engineer sitting in front of…

An Icon in a Hay Stack
As developers, we love adding icons to the apps we build. They bring a little je-ne-sais-quoi to reinforce the intent of a button or…

Building Beautiful New Features with ZERO Lines of CSS
Ahh, CSS. Most of us have complicated relationships with Cascading Style Sheets. For some, it’s a necessary part of development. For…

“Mo, wtf is COGS?”: Breaking down acronyms and tribal knowledge for engineers
Joining a new engineering team presents many challenges: learning a different stack, familiarizing yourself with ingrained patterns…

The Lever Tech Stack
Lever was founded in 2012 with the idea that we could drastically improve on the existing talent acquisition and hiring technology that…

Hire with conviction: Girl Geek X at Lever
When Sarah wrote the very first code lines for Lever, she had no way of knowing that Lever would one day become named one of best places to…

Meet Emily Shenfield, Teacher & Theater Alum Turned Product Engineer
Emily Shenfield joined Lever in August 2015 as a member of the product engineering team. But it wasn’t always obvious she’d be a software…
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