Say hello to the modern podcast hosting and analytics platform. For over 6 years Simplecast has remained the easiest way for podcasters to publish audio to the world .

Stephen Hallgren
Chief Technology Officer @Simplecast and obsessed (ultra)runner.

A reimagined, more powerful Simplecast is launching soon! Sign up to be among the first to get access.

Brad Marxkors (Smith)
Former SVP Product @ SiriusXM. Founded Simplecast (acq. SXM), Wayward Wild, & Virb (acq. GoDaddy)📍Recovering New Yorker repotting in the Midwest 🌳

Dane Cardiel
Helping independent podcasters secure the bag at Gumball. VP, Business Development: @Headgum. Previously: Simplecast. “La huelga es buena pa’ todxs”
Beejay Morgan
Senior Node Engineer at Banno. Husband, Father, Christian

Addy Saucedo
Podcasting since 2012 and creator of https://www.ThePodcastPlanner.com.
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