Publications tagged `ENTREPRENEURSHIP`
Name Followers
NomadInTheMiddle Getting in the middle of the remote work and digital nomad revolution. 5
WAVES We share the stories and frameworks behind ideas that were destined to take shape and the ripple effect they have on people, culture and innovation. 5
The Laconic Keys The Laconic Keys is a premium newsletter, podcast, and blog, written and edited by Tyler Mahoney, a Product Manager and Solution Architect with over 10 years of experience in the technology industry 5
Archbridge Notes An informal place where Archbridge staff, fellows, and board members publish observations, essays, and links related to social mobility, economics, progress, and flourishing. 5
Unifounder The Unifounder publication aims at providing interesting, insightful, and entertaining content for aspiring entrepreneurs around the world. Follow to join our community! 5
Tech G(r)eeks Tech G(r)eeks uses lessons from history with a focus on exemplars such as Alexander the Great to guide a discussion of information systems in the past, present and future 5
Whistleblowers We want to build a community that shares knowledge about the “behind-the-scenes” of each industry. Submit your stories here -> 5
The Green Blaze A Resource for Entrepreneurs Encouraging Green Business Practices & Sustainable Development — Saving The Earth for Future Generations 5
EVERYTHİNG You can find articles on all topics here. That’s why the publication is called “everything”. 5
Towards 3Z The Future is Already Here, it’s just Not Evenly Distributed — W. Gibson quote inspired me to start this blog and help people access the future NOW regarding digital transformation of the built environment 5
Peachscore Founder, Advisor, Investor and Technologist. 5
Jerine Roams This is a personal blog on my personal life experiences as a millennial nurse while I explore the online world. Follow along to get inspired and learn. 5
coFLOWco coFLOWco is a Management Consulting + Brand Strategy Collective. Our social entrepreneurs and creative, technical, business, + educational consultants are *Leading with Purpose*, building an ethical, accessible, and inclusive “Future of Work”–one business at a time. 5
Acton Institute The Acton Institute is a think-tank whose mission is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles. 4
The Leader’s Playbook Essential how-to guides for leaders and founders determined to build teams & companies that matter by leadership coach, Todd Emaus. 4