Publications tagged `IOS`
Name Followers
MobilePeople We’re the community of people in love with Mobile technologies both native and cross-platform ones, in engineering and testing. We design, conduct & support Mobile sharing experience events, activities and conferences where you can watch, listen and talk about mobile technologies 113
Swift Productions Introducing Swift Productions: weekly articles and tutorials to learn how to build an App using Swift, SwiftUI & Firebase. 98
AppManager Library Making App Developers' lives easier 93
doyeona Daily study logs about iOS development will be updated. Any recommendations or discussions are always welcome 93
Device Blogs Thoughts on building products, engineering, design and development 83
Hash Coding Everyone should learn to code. 83
Broadlume Product Development Engineering & Product Blog of Broadlume (formerly AdHawk) 81
Native Mobile Bits Holla :) We post a few of our own experiences while working on some cool apps with Android & iOS using Kotlin and Swift respectively 75
ADG VIT Apple Developers Group VIT is a registered Developers’ Community established under the Apple University Program. At ADG-VIT, our goal is to elevate the standards of technical education and foster leadership qualities by augmentation of human resource potential. 73
SwiftKick Mobile SwiftKick Mobile Blog 65
TheFork Engineering Blog Making digital products at TheFork 65
FlutterArsenal A categorized directory of libraries and tools for the Flutter SDK. 64
Nickelfox Tech We love to share the knowledge :) 58
INDIAN CODER this publications posts about coding and programming stuffs. 55
Academy@EldoradoCPS Uma colaboração entre o Instituto Eldorado e a Apple com a finalidade de desenvolver as habilidades de estudantes das áreas da computação e de design de forma a obter êxito no desenvolvimento de aplicativos no ecossistema Apple. 53