Publications tagged `STORYTELLING`
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Smorgasbord of History There are thousands of years of human history and tens of thousands of stories to be told. This publication seeks to make a dent in them. 25
The Geek Writer Oren Cohen’s Blog presence on Medium. Some articles are exclusive to the blog, but most appear also here. This publication is also home to pieces from Oren’s FB Group — Medium Dreamers — and other wonderful writers too. 21
When I was your age… Stories of wisdom, experience, and unique life experiences 21
thewell-lived Lived. Learned. Told. A curated platform of stories from people in recovery from substance use. Pitches accepted, feedback encouraged. 19
Miguel Makes Short stories about UX, entrepreneurship, and storytelling. 19
Share Everything Yes You Can Share Everything 19
Gregory B. Sadler, Ph.D. The place I’ll be posting various philosophy-related things 19
Meridian Creators Inspired by the Inspired; We share the stories of local creators with the global community. 18
Sutherlandgold Sutherlandgold’s blog for all things creative, inspirational, and interesting 18
Disability Power & Influence Nearly 1 in 4 Americans has a disability, yet individuals with disabilities are vastly underrepresented in professional and civic leadership roles. ADA 25 Advancing Leadership imagines a Chicago region where everyone has access to lead with power and influence. 18
Under Exposed Visual Communication and Photojournalism Course Site 17
Art Hi”STORY” There are a treasure trove of stories about art and the people who make it. This publication invites writers to delve into the lives of artists and the tales behind some of the world’s great art. 17
Making Make Believe Great stories can change the world. Join us as we dive into the world of human behaviour and storytelling. 16
It’s My Life 2.3 I’d like to write out different things that are important to me or that are interesting. Maybe it’s something others might find interesting, too. 16
Diary of Blessing A life unfolding before our very eyes 14