Publications tagged `EDUCATION`
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The Eta Zeta Biology Journal Written by students, for students, the Eta Zeta Biology Journal aims to make groundbreaking research in biology more accessible to undergraduate students. This journal is published by Biology students at Grove City College. 9
For Example This is where I post my best work on the three main sectors of my life 9
Reverse Engineering for Dummies Tutorials and explanations about disassemblers/decompilers, hex editors, debuggers, malware analysis, and general RE and cybersecurity concepts 9
LuminusCoach Short, impactful coaching stories celebrating the human spirit 9
These Conscious Lines Casual writings about philosophy, books, habits and emotional intelligence. 8
Learning Times Learning Times is a platform to disclose new learnings of life 8
The Historyist Historical Journalism For A Modern Audience 7
Technology Pedagogy and Education Association We work closely with a number of edtech companies in research and development. We undertake qualitative and quantitative research and use practice-based research as a method of professional development. 7
Birds With Teeth Media Birds With Teeth is a collective of 4 friends who are interested in thoughtful writing about the liberal arts. 7
The Economist’s Almanac Predictions are always a weird thing. If everybody anticipated eventual calamity, then they would act accordingly before. Forecasting is a weird thing because it hardly does what it defines to do. Here, we anticipate what is seemingly unanticipated. 7
Education Station Personal and professional content related to education, teaching and teachers 7
thehiddendots There is a lot to hear in what is not said. Our main aim is to share Information that are worth knowing. Watch our videos on YouTube: 7
Alien Brains A cradle of innovation and creativity where we explore and assist organisations and curious minds through mentoring and developing products. 7
8 Million FootPrints This publication is dedicated to healing the world one article at a time. Do your part. 7
Something New — Education Stories that contribute to the adage — learn something new, every day. 6