Name Followers
Life with Barry This is an *attempt* to organize the vastly different types of writing that have no semblance of organization in my profile. Love, trauma, joy, growth, philosophy, statistics, artificial intelligence, few things are off limits. AMA! 1
Seaview Analytics Fresh and clear perspectives from scientists, entrepreneurs, and engineers on the latest trends in data science — and what they mean for your business 1
DataTorch Articles about machine learning and the DataTorch platfom 1
BubbleGAN Сollaboration of computer vision researchers 1 allows you to build clever chat- and voice bots to help you improve conversations, scale your support and drive more revenue — no coding skills required. 1
The HumAIn Podcast The HumAIn Podcast is a leading data science podcast where frequently discussed topics include AI trends, AI for all, computer vision, natural language processing, machine learning, data science, and reskilling and upskilling for developers. 1
NannyML NannyML is a monitoring suite that detects data and concept drift, estimates model performance, and gives you full control over the decisions made by your ML. 1
XehenAI We are an artificial intelligence innovations company, helping people transform the way they interact. We help them structure intelligent and autonomous systems that exponentially increase their efficiency. Xehen liberates you from conventional methodologies and practices. 1
reactivelions Reactive Lions is a full cycle software house based in San Francisco, California. Since last decade we managed to build a team of experts across the industries, while preserving core values and putting people at the core of our innovations. 1
bitbybit with tanisha Hello! From the first moon landings in the Apollo missions to the mapping of the human genome, technology has aided humankind immensely and has infinite possibilities for growth in the future. Let’s take a journey through some of the most novel innovations broken down bitbybit. 1
Exlabs Forward-thinking companies work with Exlabs to transform their software environments into collaborative and automated digital ecosystems 1
dataroots Supporting your data driven growth strategy 1
nyckelai Nyckel allows you to create custom functions from your own data. It only takes minutes and you don’t need to know anything about Machine Learning. Once created, your functions can be invoked using our secure and scalable API. Visit us at 1
Digital Ideas Stories about future, artificial intelligence, technology-driven economics, design and thinking. 1
Survey Data Hub Survey Data Hub is helping companies do more with open text survey data. 1