Publications tagged `AI`
Name Followers
Politics + AI Insight and opinion on how artificial intelligence is changing politics, policy, and governance 1,625
Future Literacy Creating mental models for an emerging future 1,406
HashmapInc Innovative technologists and domain experts helping accelerate the value of Data, Cloud, IIoT/IoT, and AI/ML for the community and our clients by creating smart, flexible and high-value solutions and service offerings that work across industries. 1,406
Deep Learning as I See It Articles about the #DeepLearning (mostly Google Cloud with #TF). 1,392
The Innovator news Connecting Business with Technology 1,370
Outlier Ventures Outlier Ventures invest and partner with tokenised communities that are creating the new decentralised economy 1,209
BotPublication Everything about chatbots. From the makers of BotList 1,154
IBM Garage Where innovation and transformation come together 1,121
Onfido Tech Stories from Design, Engineering, Product and Research at Onfido 1,068
Octavian Research into machine learning and reasoning 993
Above Intelligent™ AI/ML A Publication Focused on the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks and the People Behind the Emerging Technologies and the Innovation. 969
Neuromation Distributed Synthetic Data Platform for Deep Learning Applications 968
AIMA: AI Marketing Magazine Driving the AI Marketing movement 954
AI2 Blog AI for the common good. 899
Unit8 - Big Data & AI Solving your most impactful problems via BigData & AI - 700