Publications tagged `AI`
Name Followers
Product AI Product AI is a magazine that covers AI product/project management, AI business cases and reference architectures. We invite product experts and solution architects to share their knowledge here. 83
Urban AI Urban AI is a Think Tank which federates a global ecosystem and a multidisciplinary community. Together, we propose ethical modes of governance and sustainable uses of urban Artificial Intelligences 82
dataswati-garage This is our garage where we play with data and AI. With love from Paris-Saclay. 81
Fair Bytes A Medium publication sharing byte-sized stories about research, resources, and issues related to fairness & ethics of AI 80
Microsoft Cybersecurity Stories from the frontlines of security, compliance, and digital transformation 75
Luko On est du genre bavard, alors on partage notre vie, nos doutes et on vient mettre notre grain de sel dans le produit et la tech. 72
Intel Software Innovators Intel Software Innovators Medium Publication. Find more about our projects at 70 AlpacaJapan Co., Ltd. 70
When Machines Learn A blog to share research and work in applying machine learning in heavy industry. Focus includes asset management and process optimization. 69
thinkgradient Community written blog posts on topics that fall under AI 67
Downsample Ideas on democratizing AI. 65
MTI Technology A place where MTI-ers can publish ideas about new technologies, agile concepts and their working experiences 65
Societal Cycles Focus in a spinning world 63 Snipe leverages data to learn a gamer’s preferences and connect them to the teammates, streamers, and games they’ll love. 62
Starmind Starmind infuses artificial intelligence with neuroscience to break the barriers limiting true human and organizational collaboration. 62