Publications tagged `COVID-19`
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A Bowl Full of Lemons A Bowl Full of Lemons is a publication that is focused on the lessons learned from the pandemic and the ways in which our lives have changed. The focus will always be on moving forward with joy while honoring the loss and challenges of the past. 2
REFORM Alliance The mission of the REFORM Alliance is to dramatically reduce the number of people who are unjustly under the control of the criminal justice system. 0
Time In Pandemonium BostonJoan chronicles her time in Pandemonium 0
DeepTek DeepTek harnesses the latest research in deep learning to develop AI solutions that provide patients faster and more accurate diagnosis, reduce radiologist burden and boost productivity, and ultimately democratize healthcare by reducing costs. 0
Medicine Simplified Modern medicine has made what was once thought impossible reality. This is great for patients. It also makes it increasingly difficult to understand. This MD-curated publication is oriented on making medical science accessible to general audiences. 0
Applications of Machine Learning The authors of this publications are students at IIIT Delhi. They are passionate computer science learners having a keen interest in software development and data science. -1