Publications tagged `COVID-19`
Name Followers
Project N95 We get personal protective equipment to frontline medical workers across America. Items like gowns, gloves, ventilators, and masks. Our team is coordinating with manufacturers and suppliers across the globe. 28
US COVID Atlas Insights Spatial analysis, research, and perspectives on the pandemic 25
The Pandemic Journal Journalists around the globe share their views of the Covid-19 pandemic in their communities. We are reporting the human faces of the crisis and its responses, not just numbers — and here we talk about how we do that essential journalism job. 23
designing for health designing for health integrates physical architecture, interior design, public health and data science. 18
Blurring lines In this publication channel we will talk about blurring lines between work & leisure, urban & rural, global & local and other themes. We will identify changes around blurring lines along the journey by sharing articles and responding to them through opinion & knowledge exchange. 14
As my Portuguese Grandfather used to say Reinvent Yourself in the Covid-19 Era. How to reinvent yourself when living unexpected events such as Covid-19, using the teachings of the Portuguese grandparents. For all ages, especially for those who want to awaken their winning instinct. 12
Local Data for Equitable Recovery A resource hub, curated by the Urban Institute, highlighting how data and information can inform a more equitable and effective response to address long-standing disparities exacerbated by the COVID-19 health crisis. 11
Totally Pandemic Chronicles from 2021, year two of the COVID-19 global pandemic. We cover a wide range of topics that directly relate to pandemic life and culture. 11
Coronavirus Chronicles What is the coronavirus and how does it impact our lives? We examine the human side of the coronavirus. Writers are Luke (biology researcher) and Andy (a guy who writes stuff). 9
Family Medicine Case Notes from the COVID-19 Frontlines Case Notes from the COVID-19 Front Lines compiles stories and resources from doctors on the front lines of Covid-19 care. The stories are vetted by a team of physicians and editors at the Annals of Family Medicine and the Association of Departments of Family Medicine. 8
A Call from Black and Brown Mothers for True Family Engagement We discuss how schools are missing opportunities to engage families as partners during this COVID-19 pandemic and offer recommendations for moving forward. 6
The Comeback of Culture Exploring how we create and re-Create in the wake of COVID-19 4
Pandemic Dispatches At least I didn’t start a podcast. 3
The Pandemic Pantry Making the most of your pantry during the pandemic 2
ZeroCovidCanada We are a multidisciplinary group of Canadians who believe that the mitigation approach to the Covid-19 pandemic only exacerbates the healthcare and economic crises and further robs Canadians of our social and economic freedoms. A new plan is needed: #ZeroCovid 2