Publications tagged `LIFESTYLE`
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It Can’t Be True! (And Most Of It Isn’t) It Can’t Be True! (And Most Of It Isn’t) Is my new Medium publication reporting on the latest alternative lifestyle news and advice from unbelievable fake experts. 33
Night Vision Stories from the meeting ground of madness & enlightenment — the razor’s edge of consciousness & compassion. 33
Into The Deep A collection of my insights on living intentionally as a self-taught designer, overthinker, and Asian female in tech. 32
Story by Story A new publication with a diverse community of readers and writers who all, as cliché as it is, want to make the world a better place. 32
Health Tonic The medicine you need, right when you need it 31
Black Ruby Magazine A conversation for women 40+ who are fun flirty and fabulous! 28
Japanese writer A view from Japanese writer, about Japan, to decode its society and to glimpse the culture. 28
Earth & Me A small brand that inspires us to be zero-waste, support sustainable entrepreneurs, educate ourselves in environmental justice, live creatively, and find joy. Visit Interested in writing? Email 27
Health and Apples “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” — Benjamin Franklin. Discussing your health in the most comfortable way. 27
The Hideout When the world is too loud, sometimes we just need a safe space to hide out. 26
CBD + Wellness Your delivery of all things CBD + life-enhancing tips for overall wellness 26
Focused and Fit I have a passion for fitness and wellness. I created this publication to talk about how I strive to live a healthy lifestyle. I hope to pass on the knowledge I have acquired, while learning more about the world of fitness. 26
SweetWitch Herbalism, Witchcraft, Nature, & Pagan History for the Modern Witch. Learn more at: 24
Masterful Mindset Teaching people to think differently because success starts with the mind. 24
The Stream Empowering your best lifestyle. 24