Publications tagged `MOVIES`
Name Followers
Rants and Raves Richard Reflects on Hollywood 84
ArtMagazine A collection of articles on art, poetry, music, photography, movies and culture. ArtMagazine is a publication under The Typewriter© group. 75
One Room With A View The best reviews and most thoughtful film criticism around from The Avengers to À bout de souffle. Subscribe to our newsletter at 74
Permanent Nerd Network Articles for nerds, by nerds. 68
Feature Presentation A place for film, television, and pop culture history. 61
The Force Analysis Exploring Star Wars stories in movies, television, comics, and novels 59
Learn Storycraft A warm home for storytellers looking for somewhere to elevate their storytelling ability. Perfect for novelists, screenwriters, filmmakers, and anyone in the business of telling stories. 59
Overstimulated Honestly talking about popular culture and its intersections with the bigger world. 49
What Simon’s Seen Verdicts on the newest film and TV releases. Find out what’s worth watching and what you can skip with reviews of the latest in entertainment, whether on the small screen at home or at the cinema. 46
Simon Dillon Cinema A celluloid statement of faith: Films should first and foremost be seen in the cinema. I make every effort to do so, and do not review films released on “streaming”. Every film reviewed here is one I’ve seen on the big screen. 43
Minnimal Film independence celebrated 37
Renew Theaters News & notes from the County, Ambler, Hiway and Princeton Garden Theaters. 36
Flicks TV Hound Sharing thoughts and ideas about movies and TV shows. 36
Femmetertainment celebrations of women in pop culture 36
From Director Steven Spielberg Articles and essays from one of the internet’s foremost sources for Steven Spielberg, From Director Steven Spielberg. 31