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Cover To Cover One man’s view of many books 4
Prodigi Interactive PRODIGI INTERACTIVE is the pioneering Sri Lankan startup that focuses on Consumer-driven Interactive media , Game Development and content production and platform creation. 4
Boomer: Unfiltered “I Ain’t No Grandma!” Observations of a Still-young Baby Boomer 4
THE I We write about Cybersecurity and DevOps with the aim to help people and brands have a better understanding of the technical and economical sides of our work. 4
The Bigs We always have questions about the enigma of relationships, romantic or otherwise. And as long as we walk this earth, we will keep asking them. 4
Creating Oasis Inspirational tips, poems, short stories, and motivational reflections to boost reader energy, encourage mindfulness & self-improvement, and provide an oasis in written form. 4
datastuffplus Datastuffplus started as a development instagram blog and still is. 4
pangelium separating fact from fiction to paint the bigger picture, the picture that affects us all 4
Radical Gainesville History Radical Gainesville History is a series focused on addressing obvious gaps in the conventional histories of Gainesville, FL. 4
The Signal Technical articles and musings from Stainless AI, a provider of cognitive computing solutions: machine learning, computer vision, data science, and more! 4
oSTEM @ UCSD Empowering LGBTQIA+ individuals in STEM to innovate traditional spaces through professional and personal development opportunities, a comprehensive resource network, and a community-centric culture of talent, leadership, and activism. 4
Laws & Orders Essays and other reflections on law, culture, and aesthetics. 4
GrowthContent Keep up with the latest on creating content and digital marketing to drive traffic 4
Bucket List Nomad Stories, how-tos, and top lists for the digital nomad looking to check items off their bucket list. 4
Greenplum Data Clinics A series of blog articles about Greenplum Database features, tips & tricks, tooling but also for all things related to Data Engineering, Analytics, Business Intelligence, Visualisations, Data Storytelling, Machine Learning, Data Science, and more. 4