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Pomegranate Mag Pomegranate is an intersectional feminist publication dedicated to exploring the world through a feminist lens. 4
Sciency miscellanea Exploring the universe 4
The AI Art Corner A blog about Art in the Digital Age, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence in the Arts 4
Glued to the Screen Society’s goal is to connect the world while making it convenient and accessible for everyone. Face the facts, we are glued to the moving machinery/images and have no motive to reflect back on what life once was, only what is today and what is yet to come. 4
EARTH by is a mapping platform for carbon footprints, supply chains, and more, and a global news source for environmental stories on business, carbon, and earth systems. 4
Contrasts The world is full of contrasts. But many of us have (in)conveniently or (un)consciously become experts at ignoring them. Contrasts is dedicated to highlighting the ways in which inequalities — major or minor, harmful or harmless, hidden or obvious — are all around us. 4
A Poet in Motion In my quest to explore interactive storytelling and new ways to share stories, I’m taking a Motion Capture class. 4
Glad All Over Articles that celebrate human potential, self improvement, women’s issues, passion, joy, and purpose. And some pieces on writing, for good measure. To request review for submission, email me at 4
Blog Differently Crappy blogs are turning the web into a flaming dumpster fire. It’s time we starting blogging for the good of everyone, instead of using it as a way to trick people into lining our pockets. There is a way to add value to others and still make money. Let’s find out how! 4
A Balanced Transition Promoting an all-of-the-above pathway to a sustainable society. 4
VR/AR/XR Review A series of articles and news about AR/VR (XR) with a focus on user interfaces and innovative features. 4
Women in Data & AI (UK) This publication is to support the group Women in data and AI (UK), where the members can publish their writing. This community believes in intersectional diversity and is inclusive to all who have an interest in this space. 4
Products By Sahil I am a budding product manager who loves to review the designs of the applications while buildling a few designs of mine. 4
Unviersity of Peradeniya : COVID Research Group Unviersity of Peradeniya : COVID Research Group 4
Right Smack In The Middle We don’t accept extremes. The extremes in politics will continue to pull us away from what’s important. Let’s stop the noise, sit, and think. Right Smack in the Middle is devoted to thinking. 4