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Our Refusal of Education’s “Back to Normal” Post COVID-19 Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we knew that education in brick and mortar environments had its challenges. The adaptation to virtual mediums could prove advantageous by most schools in our nation especially those that serve diverse populations. 1
Mersheen We are creating the Mersheen, a Human Operating System. Our goal is to enhance human cognition to revolutionize our species the same way that the invention of language has done for us. 1
The Double Slit The Double Slit is a STEM Publication. We aim to publish educational Science, Technology, Engineering and Math articles that are Well-Researched, Technical, Educational & Objective, but also within the realm of (non-genius) human understanding! 1
Appes We are a tribe of curios and agile tech enthusiasts driven to build web and mobile solutions fit to specific goals. Our purpose is to help organizations take advantage of the right technologies to craft the kind of apps that can go a long way. 1
Letterspace Letterspace is a single place for me to collect my various perspectives on writing and editing, which have fascinated me my whole life. 1
Unsolved Canadian Unsolved Mysteries Canada is dedicated to telling the stories of mysteries across Canada from coast to coast. 1
Alphabyte Research Lab A blog showcasing the latest work and insights from the research team at Alphabyte Solutions 1
Become Debt Free A blog with information on becoming debt free with a 3 prong approach 1
architshah Full Stack Python Developer 1
Cover 2 Cover Former acquaintances attempting to overcome writer’s block by seeking inspiration from the most obvious place - book titles, and discovering their poetic voices, books and dust bunnies along the way 1
Rational Thinking In the face of adversity, common sense deserts us. Let us bring back logic and rational thinking for humanity to survive. 1
Black Women in Fiction A digital publication to amplify the work of Black women fiction writers and provide educational content on the writing process 1
PRIMALscience PRIMALscience is a Medium based Magazine by Passionate Researcher for explorers to discover science. 1
sciwork sciwork is a community for researchers and engineers to share and discuss computer code for scientific, numerical, and engineering work, with the belief in openness 1
Writing Hackz Be a better writer — on Medium and elsewhere. 1