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DesignOps2.0@PayPal Driving the evolution of product design for the tools used to build and run PayPal’s business 1
Liturgy of the Beloved Liturgy of the Beloved is a meshing together of liturgical tradition and prayer with modern day expressions of poetry, spoken word, meditation, reflection and art, meant to creatively express the God who calls himself Love and calls us Beloved. 1
Generalist Dev Be the dev that your team needs 1
ECBSE ECBSE is an Ed-Tech startup that is obsessed in challenging conventional systems in education by leveraging the power of new-age technologies. We are building ECBSE as an adaptive platform to increase engagement, optimize learning and improve outcomes for all students. 1
InsertGif trying to make it easier for GIFs out there 1
Cars45 Data Analytics This publication is the Cars45 Data Analytics blog where we are chronicling our data journey 1
Advertising in the Agriculture Industry This is a publication endeavor of a digital advertising agency called Natives. Focusing on our agricultural projects, we want to make an impact on the way everyday agricultural work is portrayed. 1
Pluscode Pluscode provide technological and business services for startups and small and medium-sized companies. 1
Data Diving Where data science and marine biology intersect. While squarely support ocean conservation, we understand that moral duty alone won’t drive change. So, we’ll simply explain what the data say and let you make the calls. 1
Hiring Bar Guide interviewers and candidates through video interviews in real-time. Collect data as you go to make better decisions. 1
Filmmaking Central Filmmaking Central is a blog about the art of making films and the business concepts that fuel them. 1
Totally Topical Totally Topical is a publication experiment specializing in pop-cultural ponderings, existential ramblings, and frontal lobe dust. Nothing too serious (unless…?) 1
let-us-AI With the recent advancements in AI, it is easy to get lost in the hype of GPT, etc without being able to understand the development that has laid it’s foundation, what can and cannot the algorithms do and what is the scope. This blog attempts to answer some of these questions. 1
The Product Manager We’re a community of product people, exploring the latest and best of customer insights, UX, design, development, marketing, and analytics. 1
Java Playground Java Playground is a publication showcasing various Java projects and experiments. 1