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Blue Beach Song™ Thoughts Blue Beach Song™ Thoughts by Martie Hevia includes my musings on an eclectic collection of subject-matter, from serious to humorous and everything in between. | | 1
The Defeatist Failed attempts at Movie, TV, Music, and other Pop Culture writings by @patrickwenzel 1
Real Talk Sports with Ross Nalbandian Sports Journalism and Multi-platform Storytelling at the Annenberg School at USC 1
Apple’s Arcade Let’s talk about what we play on the new gaming subscription service from Apple. 1
digiTAX The CEO’s Bible. Helping you navigate through a complex world of changing tax rules directed at digital corporations 1
Scrubbi How we optimize our growth as we march towards being the biggest and best housecleaning service in Canada 1
SportsWithTheBuds A group of buds talking sports. Follow along, and join the discussion! 1
tkegan Reflections, Short Fiction, Poetry 1
Espinola Designs Publications from the staff 1
Very Political Looking at politics from all sides. 1
Seljak Brand Developing closed-loop products that are regenerative by design 1
Liberty Chee Scribbles / Mga lathala 1
Midstory Midstory dedicates its operations to curating a voice out of the Midwest through research, publication, public engagement, and broadcasting. In the midst of a noisy national canopy, our Midstory is a space of connection and intersection in the American experience. 1
Corybantic Blog Thoughts on life, theology, language and more 1
In Principle Language, Editing, and Politics 1