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Salty Buddha Reflections on meditations and buddhist teachings in the mind of a millennial. 0
Conceptual Viewpoint Here we are going to dig deep into the theoretical concepts behind the actual logical implementations. 0
Data: Science & Engineering In our fast paced, data driven world, we are faced with the challenge of developing agile software that can evolve with emerging technologies and do its work each time faster. Whether is engineering the data flow or running ML models to extract results, we have to handle our data 0
pdmann The point of this publication is to get stories out there that I think will help others pursue a better world through. I will venture into all things I find interesting with an eye toward understanding how we learn, work, and grow. 0
Tolgee Tolgee aims to reshape the process of software localization with different approach, which aims to save time and effort of everyone who is getting involved such as developers and translators. 0
The World Unlimited Cultural differences, travel stories, and curios facts from all over the world. 0
Observing Notebook Personal musings as I continue to navigate life 0
Presidential Libraries A collection of my writing on presidential libraries and records, and the National Archives 0
the data base data science 0
the ballpark If it is about baseball, fact or fiction, written well, it will appear here 0
AVIOT: Critic’s Choice In today’s society where “cancel culture” runs rampant, politically incorrect talking points, no matter the intention, often seem taboo or appear offensive to mass groups. Here, we unpack touchy subjects discussed on the AVIOT podcast, known for its honesty no matter the result. 0
EndQuotes Strings of Logic 0
ScalingForever Join me in my journey as I learn how to build value 0
DeFi with SharedStake SharedStake and DeFi partners focus on decentralizing the future of finance. SharedStake is a decentralized Ethereum 2 staking platform that allows users to stake any amount of Ether and earn additional yield on top of their ETH2 rewards. 0
DATA2040 Spring 20201 Midterm Project Team LVL Part of a midterm project for DATA2040 @ Brown University 0