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Forward In Time Cogitation is about learning from the world around us and discussing ways to improve as individuals and as a species. We welcome thoughtful, introspective, and positive discussion. If you‘re a friendly person with a curious and constructive nature, this is the place for you. 0
Sincerely, Dear Writer, some things need to be said. Realities of this world that tug at your heart and you don’t know quite how to string the words together. Start by writing a letter; it might help us all heal. Sincerely, a publication that wants people to feel seen and heard 0
petskeeda If you’re a pet parent, petskeeda is the place for you. Learn more about your pet and how well to treat them. Get the best ideas on what to feed them, how-to, etc. 0
NE ZINE NE ZINE is home to thoughtful and entertaining ideas. We think, build, and scale conversations around technology, culture, and commerce. 0
On the Journey On the Journey contains my reflections on various aspects, often spiritual, of my life journey, on writing, and the spiritual journey in general. 0
Listen / Hard Dedicated to distilling all things liquor. From cocktail recipes to local haunts, with a focus on the myriad ways of enjoying libations. The name is a twist on “speakeasy”. 0
The Undersong Whenever I get really hooked up on a song, I like to find out more about what’s behind it and how it was created. I also like to share my findings with other music lovers like you! 0
Bebensee IT Bebensee IT GmbH develops IT solutions for companies with a focus on software development, cloud and artificial intelligence. 0
Twillica With Twillica’s clothing, you will be prepared for any adventure you decide to go on next. You can change the breathability and warmth of your jacket with the click of a button. 0
Pineapple Workshop We are experts in creating custom full-stack web products and mobile apps, and offer solutions that drive value through scalable architecture and cutting edge software development. 0
ZEEveloper We love transforming product ideas to digital realities. 0
Ang Sin Nee This is a blog created for the sole purpose of documenting my journey through assignment 1 of ICTE2002 UX Design 2. 0
Programmer’s Block Developer’s How-To Guide to keep them on step ahead 0
Nation States & Human Rights Human Rights are meant to be a set of rights that are indivisible, inalienable, and inherent to every human being. In reality, nation states are at great liberty to choose how to defend and fulfil human rights, and they tend to have a mind of their own. 0