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Poverty Press Stories by those living in poverty or on a low-income. Don’t be shamed into silence. 0
My Boyfriend At The Time My Boyfriend At The Time is a collection of short stories to honour past encounters and relationships that didn’t make it, but did make us who we are today. Send your submission to 0
Love & Happiness Love & Happiness is a publication that creates articles primarily on the topics of relationships, marriage and family. 0
chaotic blue marble Analysis and musings on the systems of our planet. 0
The Journal Post Times The standard in satirical news. Satirical is how pretentious people say ‘funny.’ 0
The Questions I investigate (possible) changes in society, technology and organizations and how they will impact you and me 0
TechSoplaya Design/frontend/backend, tecnologie, nerdnews 0
Silex Technologies A publication about modern coding practices used by Silex Technologies 0
Bitesize Fiction Small pieces of writing that never had a place anywhere, but were not total garbage! 0
Shane’s Brain Shane’s Brain publication is about tech, money, travel, and anything else that piques my interest. 0
Vaibhav Poliwal Learning Machine Learning with my Human Learning 0
Algorithms in the Wild Advocating for transparent and accountable decision processes. Studying the behaviors of algorithms when they get out of the minds of designers and take on a life of their own. 0
The Boring School. The Boring School, powered by CodewithSudeep is a place where boring’s (students, users, participants) share their boring way of presenting, learning the existing materials. 0
Aziz Booker Aspiring Front End Web developer with a passion for coding.Serving bite-sized articles on everything coding 0
InTakeCreate Inspiring and celebrating all things creative. 0