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Product AI Product AI is a magazine that covers AI product/project management, AI business cases and reference architectures. We invite product experts and solution architects to share their knowledge here. 83
IxorThink IxorThink is the AI and Machine Learning practice of Ixor, a Belgian software vendor 83
The Writer’s Journal Ruminations of an aspiring writer on creativity, productivity and balancing the two. 83
TRAVA.FINANCE TRAVA offers a flexible mechanism in which users can create and manage their own lending pools to start a lending business. 83
Cracking The Zed Run Code Zed Run is a new and exciting NFT Horse Racing game. As the community and the game grows, I would like to share some of my findings through this publication, “Cracking The Zed Run Code: Powered by NSNF” as I explore the game through stats! 83
Authorpreneurs A publication for those who want to make use of 21st-century outlets such as websites, blogs, social media, content marketing, writing platforms, newsletters, promotional materials, speaking engagements, courses, books, and workshops to build a community-based thriving business. 83
it’s just foam A collection of first person accounts, highlighting the utter bliss and humiliation that comes from being human. 83
Middle Ground Midlife musings for people who are just getting started. Ruminations, observations, and conversations about the magic middle found here. 83
SnackNation Engineering & Data Science Engineers and data scientists mixing tech and science to build a world where you can discover the food you love easily & effortlessly 83
Learn NLP Demystifying Natural Language Processing 83
How They Made Money Money-Making Lessons From the Ones Who Have Already Made It 83
ableneo Technology Application Development, Data Science, Experience Platforms 83
Einstein’s Cup Of Tea A physics, mathematics and astronomy publication. 83
Joint Futures Joint Futures is a holistic approach on design that combines better craft, operations, and strategy towards business goals that provide positive outcomes for people, planet, and profit. 82
Orange and Juicy Let’s talk video games. 82