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Self Publishing Guide Self Publishing Guide is the place to go for all things self publishing related including writing, covers, editing, marketing, and selling books. We desire to give you all the information you need to be a successful self published author. 80
Creative Juices Career advice, productivity tips, and life hacks for creative people 80
Learning for Change Ideas, reflections, stories about how learning drives social impact (maybe) 80
StereoPi Stereoscopic camera with Raspberry Pi inside 80
Binderful The Binderful Blog 79
HA Perspectives Hornall Anderson on Brands + People 79
Chaptr Global Learn about emerging technologies with Chaptr Global. We offer online courses on the following emerging technologies: Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science. For more information, visit or go straight to to view the courses 79
HiHello Network smarter with HiHello Digital Business Cards 79
Nile HQ: Strategic Design Stories Viewpoints on innovation, experience, culture and ventures, from Nile - the people working to bring the future of human connections to life. 79
Kainos Design Strategic Design from Kainos. We are a team of researchers, designers, writers, creatives, and strategists. We pride ourselves on solving difficult problems and making a positive impact on people's lives. Disclaimer: All posts are the author’s own views. 79
Stream Monkey Stream Monkey is an online video company focused on simplifying the way users share, connect, and engage with their audience. 79
Leading Research We are bringing current and future research leaders to spark conversations about UX Research 79
FractaLife A non-linear space of fractal branches and connections, chaos, complexity, art, life, learning, and everything else. 79
equilibre Thoughts on financial, information and mental freedom. 79
PWiC PWiC is a global community of women in technology fields hailing from Pakistan & their global allies, with the aim of connecting, learning and growing together! 79