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Friction Burns Things that make you go hmmm… 80
The Single Momma Memoir Stories for and about the mommas doing it for their babies, on their own. 80
Nova Thinker We aim to captivate with stories that excite the mind. 80
Demeter Loves If you’ve ever wondered what products, people, places, and ideas I recommend, look no further. 80
Westwing Tech The official technology blog of the Westwing Tech Team. We are a team of 100+ and we're hiring! 80
Perspectives on Tarot There are so many ways to approach and appreciate Tarot — its history, its mysteries, its lore. Perspectives on Tarot is an exploration project, combining scholarly background with creative ideas and surprising stories. 80
Jezebel’s Feast JF quit her job in Dec 2019 to see if she has what it takes to become a digital entreprenuer & create her own version of a sustainable lifestyle ➡️ Visit for new articles about exploring the outdoors, our kitchen & our minds ~ Create your own sustainable life 🌈 80
StackAnatomy Quality content for front-end developers 80
Musing About… Just my thoughts 80
Recurrent Patterns Recurrent Patterns is a venture exploring strategies and insights around leading-edge companies and technology. 80
Top-Down or Bottom-Up? Is consciousness produced by the physical material of the brain or is it “something more?” The issue is a major dividing line between physicalists and anti-physicalists with big implications for our culture and values. 80
Happiness India Project Happiness India Project is about engaging people on Happiness. It attempts to bring together the time-honored, accumulated wisdom on human happiness and the contemporary, current scientific data on positive psychology, and share it at all levels of society. 80 The Cato Institute’s treasury of resources about the theory and history of liberty. 80
Journal of International Psychogeography Published by the International Psychogeography Insitute 80
Introduction to Grasshopper This course teaches the basics of computational design through Grasshopper, a computational design platform built on top of the Rhino 3d modeling software. 80