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Adult ADHD We are a small group of adults who have ADHD or are in a relationship with someone who does. We have started a YouTube channel to share our experiences and advocate for better awareness of adult ADHD. 64
Developer Ecosystem Strategies and tools to build, grow and participate in developer ecosystems 64
The Internationalist's Journal TIJ brings together experts to decode the complexities of the modern world on a range of topics relating to international affairs, business & economics and technology. TIJ believes that in all things, we are greater than the sum of our parts. 64
Snag Engineering Successes, failures, learnings and ideas from the top-notch engineers at Snag 64
FlutterArsenal A categorized directory of libraries and tools for the Flutter SDK. 64
WONDR Blog A helping hand for curious minds. 64
Products, Demystified An MBA Student, torn between Tech and Marketing. Trying to demystify products that fascinate me, bringing in the unconventional sides of Marketing and Technology, that has never been talked about earlier. 64
Euro Data Cube The most comprehensive source of Earth Observation, in-situ data and value-added information at your fingertips. 64
Marvels of the Past The fascinating side of the past 64
Human Design by Bingz Learn how to use Human Design to realign yourself for optimal health and happiness :) 64
The Neue Industry A publication by JOIN Capital featuring the latest ideas & updates from industrial tech and enterprise experts. 64
APIs with Valentine Hands-on tutorials about learning how to use APIs, how to test them and much more. 64
eggsisting A personal publication for all of Lucy’s unstructured thoughts. 64
Societal Cycles Focus in a spinning world 63
Klaviyo Data Science Research, insights, and data, brought to you by the data science team at Klaviyo. 63