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To the Pxint To The Pxint is a Medium Publication which operates exactly as it is named — our articles are straight-forward and get to straight to the point of the topics we delve into. All things self-help, productivity, and entrepreneurship. 65
CapTech Corner We are a team of master builders, creators, and problem solvers who unite diverse skills and perspectives to transform how data, systems, and ingenuity enable organizations to advance what’s possible in a changing world. Here you’ll find the latest expertise from our people. 65
The Honeypot Comedy and satire about all things sexy. 65
DataInterview Interview Prep Created by Data Scientists for Data Scientists 65
Blog. Write.Heal Blogging our way through life and healing from what ails our souls. 65
YoungWonks - Blogs for Kids, Parents and Curious Minds Blogs for kids, youth and parents covering technology for kids, coding, STEM, robotics, engineering, making, college admissions and more. 65
Modern Life Millionaires Stories on all things related to modern life millionaires: Personal Finance, startups and the pursuit to financial freedom. The Blockchain Academy: A 101 course about blockchain and cryptocurrencies. 65
oh, write A publication documenting the highs and lows of a Black woman’s writing journey. 65
The Case for the 1619 Project Learn about the 1619 Project & share what you learn 65
Beyond Productivity Let’s discover the best tools and strategies to live a more productive life. We can achieve much more than we think we are capable of. 65
The Cagle Report Thoughts on Technology, Meaning, Writing and Life by Kurt Cagle 65
The Paperless Journal The Medium blog of Matthew Kent 65
Song Done Wrong Celebrating music through fiction and song parody. With an emphasis on hilarity. 65
FinBox FinBox powers digital lending businesses of NBFCs and banks. 65
IxDA Berlin The happenings of IxDA Berlin 65