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Dear Old People What millennials wish you knew about us. Read an insider's perspective about a generation caught between the crumbling realities of yesterday and the uncertainties of tomorrow. Rebuttals to popular allegations and details on how we are going to change the world. 42
AREX Real Estate Technologies Real Estate. Simplified. 42
spur:journal We research and design solutions to help create a world that is fair, sustainable, and well. 42
Health Data Science Precision Medicine through Data Science and Machine Learning 42
Project Athens A distributed proxy server for Go (Golang) modules 42
pixboost Website Performance Optimization 42
AI — Autonomous Driving Create a path planner that is able to navigate a car safely around a virtual highway 42
The Instinct Listen to your gut. What is it telling you to do? Whether it has to doing with relationships, parenting, careers, writing, social media, self-care or life in general, follow your instincts! 42
ACLU Tech & Analytics Behind-the-scenes perspectives from the ACLU tech and data analytics teams 42
SANS Security Awareness SANS Security Awareness has trained over 6.5 million people globally. Our best-in-class training content is translated into over 30 languages and built by a network of the world’s most knowledgeable cyber security experts. 41
Defuncted A Collection of Abandoned Things 41
Alexa, Do You Love Me? A Journey to Explore Creativity with Voice Assistants 41
OmegaGrid Peer to Peer Energy Platform 41
Senti AI — The Official Blog Senti is the leading AI consultancy, research, and development in the Philippines 41
GreenOrbit Everything you need in a company intranet, built in. 41