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InstaDeep Pan-African AI Startup’s Blog 41
urbanData Analytics We develop software, data, and services for Real Estate industry, trying to provide a bit of light and transparency to a traditionally opaque sector. 41
ForwardMotion Stories about the forward motion of life and the pursuit of happiness. 41
ParallaxTec Discovering the world of Binary 41
Knowledge Technologies All about organizing data in to enable its discovery and availability. We’re publishing about knowledge graphs and other related technologies. Brought to you by the Knowledge Graph Conference. 41
The Blak Lotus The Blak Lotus, is an independent publication based in Detroit, MI. At The Blak Lotus we believe that improving the overall quality of life for the African Diaspora is the very essence of the future. Who we are tomorrow is the outcome of how we are raised and nurtured today. 41
Braves Blog Official Blog of the Atlanta Braves 41
Discovering Polyamory Helping take those first steps on the journey into ethical non-monogamy 41
tinyso Tiny solution — Tiny source code 41
Aggregate Intellect Global Marketplace where ML Developers Connect, Collaborate, and Build 41
Casual Rambling My home for casual discussion or rant about film, TV, sports, gaming, wrestling, or music 41
wwdablu Information sharing 41
Money Freedom Writings about money, financial freedom, early retirement, Bitcoin & the crypto industry, and investing. 41
The Adventures Of Kevin Shan Kevin Shan’s personal publication where I find myself and share my life’s greatest accomplishments, defeats, and everything in between. 41
Tech Learnings Everything about Tech learnings — Coding,Design, tutorials and more learnings 41