All Publications
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Block Crafters Hello, We are Block Crafters. 25
10 Bricks Documenting surprising career moves and life paths, 10 Bricks is a series of interviews with people who have bucked the trend of a single, linear career path. 25
UNC Asheville’s NEMAC blog UNC Asheville’s National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC) facilitates the interaction between science producers and users. We specialize in science communication and the development of decision support tools. 25
ASL19 Developers Supporting civil society with technology and design 25
OMFGCO Every Decision is a Brand Decision 25
TJ Egbert Design Found in a world of UX design 25
Koodoo We are Koodoo, and we are building tech to power the next generation of mortgages 25
Lauren Swainston Design UX design enthusiast. 25
Ezra A new way to screen for cancer 25
Nova Semita We invest in ambitious people who deserve better and help them build personal moats. Currently focusing on tech talent in India. 25
True Tales from Engineering Engineers and SREs share their stories from personal experience and best practices, from xMatters in San Ramon, CA. 25
Blood, Sweat, and Likes Deep in the trenches with the social media team at Nail Communications 25
Stable Trade Stably’s blog about all things blockchain, trading, and stablecoins 25
Toquity Toquity is a European equity token platform. In addition to issuance, we also help you manage your captable, option plans, shareholder lists and portfolios 25
Scriptarnica A decentralized platform for reading, writing, publishing, selling and buying e-books. Created with love by @mvpworkshop crew. 25