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Looker Engineering Engineering @ Looker. Our unique intelligence environment makes it easy for data analysts to create and curate custom data experiences - so they can give everyone in the business the freedom to explore the data that matters to them, in the context that makes it truly meaningful 25
SuperWork We help organisations flourish by creating and managing the nurturing work environments that enable their people to do super work 25
Open Road Student memos from the Stanford GSB course “The Open Road: Innovation in Cars, Driving, and Mobility” 25
Classy Creative Team Stories about designing with passion and purpose for social good. 25
Freshly Popped Culture Commentary on all things entertainment. Get it while it’s hot. 25
Living Language Legacies Prosody is the music of language. 25
PlanScore Measuring partisan gerrymandering 25
Diverse Motherhood Capturing stories in words and images of mothers in all shapes and forms. We often see a very singular kind of mother/parent in media and the aim of this publication is to bring diverse voices to the forefront. 25
Liquefy Liquefy enables tokenization of illiquid assets such as private companies, real estates, sports teams and any other assets using blockchain technology. 25
PopCandie The best candy you'll ever read. 25
Chartboost Engineering Chartboost is one of the leading in-app monetization and programmatic advertising platforms. 25
It Starts with a Step: Walking for a Better World Publication Date: September 25, 2018 25
Challenge Success Strategies for student well-being & engagement with learning 25
The Power Line Power broadcasters David Kahn and Kyle Youmans discuss everything surrounding the 2019 West Virginia Power. 25
Storytelling Memoir Storytelling and Memoir Tips 25