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TrustYou Engineering Stories about Software Development at TrustYou 25
Privacy Guides Massive organizations are monitoring your online activities. Privacy Guides is your central privacy and security resource to protect yourself online. 25
Smorgasbord of History There are thousands of years of human history and tens of thousands of stories to be told. This publication seeks to make a dent in them. 25
EdChoice Advancing universal K-12 educational choice as the best pathway to successful lives and a stronger society. 25
Fox Files Fiction, poetry and writing tips 25
Fitzlim You want a lifestyle that allows you to live longer, look younger, feel fitter, maintain good health, vitality, and an awesome figure that turns heads. Learn the Fitzlim way to achieve all these realistically with intelligent and painless tweaks to your habits and lifestyle. 25
MOOI — Inspiring women Inspiring. Smart. Beautiful. A publication about women 25
Stephen Sovie’s Blog A blog by a retired old guy who likes to write about what’s important to him, mainly politics culture, life, and social issues. 25
The Bridge by Divercity The bridge is a blog by the team at Divercity, written by and for underrepresented minorities, with the aim of discussing the latest on all things DEI in tech. 25
The Birds Blitz The Birds Blitz publication featuring news, reports, information, rumors, and opinions 25
24 hours What would you do if you had 24 hours left for anything? 25
Ensemble Of Writing From mental health, coffee, and motherhood, these stories will discuss everything in between. 25
DLabs.AI Helping companies increase business efficiency using Artificial Intelligence 24
Hotpreneur Cafe Stories about cool startups and businesses, entrepreneurial journeys, billion-dollar money-making, creative freelancing, etc. that for sure will blow  your mind. 24
True Human Connection Love is how we connect. Let’s release the barriers and feel open-hearted connection with each other. This is where true magic happens… the magic we know is possible. 24