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Between Taxis love the world on your commute 20
Improbable Engineering How we’re building the future — and other stories. 20
Co Leadership Leadership development for engineers, tech leads, and other leaders in tech 20
iSrajan Learn to code by building projects. 20
itsbridgeschool We skill up and support women, agender, and non-binary professionals via free software development and product design programs in Toronto. 20
TechStreet Everything related to Technology, Business and Financial Markets. 20
Echoes of the Soul Poetry and other writing by Heather Ann 20
Social Media Writings This is the forum for writings about social media phenomena. The texts are part of Social Media course at Aalto University. Some of the texts are anonymous. 20
Marijuana Wire by Foster Winans Enterprise reporting and hard news from inside the marijuana business by Marijuana Times Senior Editor Foster Winans. Visit 20
Protozoan Let’s explore the invisible. 20
Arachnofiles Arachnids are fascinating. We write stores about these amazing animals, and the scientists that study them. 20
Digital Stories Digital and analog science stories written by Martin Vetterli in collaboration with Mirko Bischofberger, Henri Dubois-Ferrière and Paolo Prandoni 20
Sandhya’s Science Section This is a blog about outer space, Earth’s inner core, and everything else in between. 20
GoFable GoFable is a content marketing startup that takes a non-standard approach to deliver the best results to its clients. 20
The Lean Canvas What is a lean canvas? A lean canvas is a one-page business plan that looks at Problem, Customer Segments, Unique Value Proposition (UVP), Solution, Unfair Advantage, Revenue Streams, Cost Structure, Key Metrics Channels. 20