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Biobuds We are a group of undergrads ( 2019 batch) studying at IISER Bhopal, spreading the love of biology to the people — in the best way we know — short, sweet & simple blogs. 19
Self Healers Self Healers is a community of warriors who healed traumas and mental illness.Mental health,personal development and parenting. 19
Finland Stories Stories about Finland by a Finnophile journalist 19
Share Everything Yes You Can Share Everything 19
Crime for a Cuppa 4 minute true crime stories, perfect for while you have a cuppa! 19
SeMI Technologies SeMI’s Weaviate is a next generation search platform based on the Weaviate Search Engine, which helps you gain meaningful insights from your unstructured data. 19
Forming Worlds How rocky worlds come to be 19
thomasmannhouse Thomas Mann House | Residency center and space for transatlantic debate in Los Angeles, California | 19
People@Work Expert stories on the Future of Work from the people building Duuoo: the Continuous Performance Management tool for forward-thinking companies that want to empower their leaders and engage their people. Learn more at 19
Eva’s Escapades Eva’s Escapades is Eva Rotolo’s publication, which houses sex toy reviews, erotica, erotic poetry, and nonfiction sexuality think pieces. 19
OLI Systems Rethinking the Energiewende 19
Jupiter Intelligence Jupiter is the global leader in data and analytics services to make informed decisions to anticipate risk from extreme weather, sea-level rise, storm intensification and rising temperatures caused by short, medium and long-term climate change. 19
Talking Allergies A platform to gather stories about living with allergies and anaphylaxis. Sharing stories the impetus for comfort, support and discovery. 19
EinkBro 隨著電子書閱讀器的硬體效能愈來愈好,一台在手,除了可以滿足傳統的電子書閱讀功能外,還可以利用它進行一般平板上可以操作的功能,像是安裝 Android App,或是看網頁。但不論是哪一家的電子書閱讀器,內建的瀏覽器充其量只能稱得上堪用,完全沒有針對電子紙的特性量身訂做。為了解決這個問題,我開始開發一款符合自己在電子書閱讀器上使用習慣的瀏覽器,並把過程記錄於此,希望能幫助到其他也有類似需求的人。 19
LIMINARIES Odd thoughts lurk in dimly lit corners. Forgotten, marginalized, and unheralded things gather in the liminal space between day and night. Here there be dust bunnies and rip-roaring tales, and those who thrive outside of clear dichotomies. 19