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Citadele Bank Developers Engineering and technology articles for developers, written and curated by Citadele Bank developers. The views expressed are those of the authors and don’t necessarily reflect those of Citadele Bank. 19
Graphic Design For Screen Based Communication This publication features research carried out by myself during semester one of Graphic Design for Screen Based Communication 19
Politik Blog A community for foreign policy discussion and analysis | 19
The Attention Game Exploring ways to create a compelling personal vision and the tactics to achieve it. 19
Plexstorm 🔞 Plexstorm is a Live Gaming Platform; made for Adult Gamers, by Adult Gamers. 19
Your Terminal and You A Beginner’s Guide to Coding 19
FamFi A couples’ finance app that makes managing joint costs easier and fairer, and lets you prioritize what really matters in life. Spend like you mean it. 19
CEO Reads Articles specifically designed for CEOs to learn faster to lead further 19
ScrumLaunch A product development studio for high growth startups and leading brands. 19
CitizenMe A citizen data platform, humanising data with deep insights and ethical personal data exchanges 19
Durable Digital We are strategists, architects, artists and engineers who design and build cross-channel marketing solutions that are a pleasure to use. 19
Train of Thought Thinking about the future of society. 19
Freelancing With Chris Freelancing for digital marketers and copywriters. See more at → 19
Efficiency for Access Stories, research summaries, and off- and weak-grid appliance market trends from Efficiency for Access, a coalition promoting energy efficiency as a potent catalyst in global clean energy access efforts. 19
Artists + Travel A resource to help artists travel creatively 19