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The Fulcrum "One man can move the world, given a long enough lever and a firm point on which to place it" - Archimedes 19
Jason Budd Cryptocurrency, blockchain, cannabis, culture and technology 19
Tech Talk Techtalk is for the opinionated software developer, the kind of person who has software development side-projects on the side. We’re pro-developer. 19
Digita DIG:ITA is an digital & IIoT powerhouse delivering the most complete solution for risk-free digital transformations. 19
The Conflict issue — Weapons of Reason The final issue of Weapons of Reason explores the complexity surrounding conflict. Weapons of Reason is a publishing project by Human After All design agency in London. 19
Newcastle University Research Software Engineering Stories from the Research Software Engineering team at Newcastle University. 19
Pop Cultured The leading publication on Anime, Movies, Comics, and everything Pop Culture! 19
Skills21 We help students and young graduates develop tech sales skills and secure internships in the most promising startups in Tunisia. 19
Borda Technology Borda brings operational awareness and insight to hospitals with actionable IoT data. The result is increased efficiency, enhanced safety, better patient care and advanced patient experince. 19
Opera Criticism in a Modern World Editorial materials, reviews, interviews, and essays. My way to improve the opera industry. I’m Polina Lyapustina and I’m currently writing for No story is a part of Medium’s metered paywall. 19
STEM Little Explorers Ideas on how to stimulate STEM skills development of children because Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are fields of the future! Check out experiments and activities that are easy to make, fun to make and provide great learning experience for everyone involved. 19
Edge Analytics We’re a data science company that solves hard problems at the intersection of bits and atoms. Get in touch at! 19
She Creates She Creates is a publication that aims to share stories of women who create anything and everything — from art, paintings, designs, code, food, craft, clothes, or simply, a better world. 19
Mental Gearwheels Just as a the toothed wheels of gear engage each other to change the direction of transmitted motion, this publication’s posts on philosophy, purpose, inspiration, technology, writing, and life are aimed to shift the perspective of readers to produce better results! 19
The Helping Han The Helping Han is a place where I share my thoughts and give advice based on my experience. I cover everything from personal finance to social issues to relationships. 19